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Odom News

Why Invest in ODOM?

When it comes to the growing list of Phnom Penh properties to choose from, which one is right for you? Which one should you invest in? Hear what Mrs. KEO Sochenda, Founder of Reachny Property, has to say


Find Your Ideal Office Size

How many staff do you have?

Layout Type

Sample Small Offices

Sample Small Offices

Sample Medium Offices

Sample Medium Offices

Sample Large Offices

Sample Large Offices

Sample Full Floor

Sample Full Floor

We recommend a small office size of 60 to 90 sqm.

This will give you approx SQM/PAX for people in a density configuration.

We recommend a medium office size of 91 to 148 sqm.

This will give you approx SQM/PAX for people in a density configuration.

We recommend a large office size of 141 to 250 sqm.

This will give you approx SQM/PAX for people in a density configuration.

We recommend a full floor of 887 to 1,515 sqm.

This will give you approx SQM/PAX for people in a density configuration.