Odom News

ODOM’s Buyers Profile

With so much of ODOM sold as of today, many are raising the same question: “Who are the buyers of ODOM?” Whether you are considering buying and wondering who your neighbors will be, or you are just curious about the growing ODOM community, here are some insights about those pioneers that already joined “Team ODOM”.

ODOM Buyers are accomplished professionals with a wealth of experience from top cities across Asia and beyond. Some seek an extraordinary place to call home or establish their Cambodian offices, while others have their sights set on long-term investment returns – many aspire for both.

What may surprise you is the substantial number of international buyers investing in ODOM. While just under half are from Cambodia, the rest consist of executives and leaders in their fields hailing from esteemed regional countries like Singapore, Thailand, and Korea. Others come from as far as Switzerland, and the United States also recognize the opportunity and have invested.

The typical ODOM buyer, often in their mid-forties (though we also have visionary individuals in their twenties), is well-established and well-informed on markets not only in Cambodia but also in other thriving real estate hubs such as Singapore, Bangkok, and Kuala Lumpur. These astute buyers often boast a diverse portfolio, owning multiple properties across various cities. Those investing in ODOM Tower are seeking individual offices ranging from 70 to 140 square meters for their flourishing enterprises, as well as entire floors exceeding 1,000 square meters, ensuring substantial long-term returns. For ODOM Living, let’s say everything is popular. While the two bedrooms lead the charge, the limited 3- and 4-bedroom homes are popular with those looking to have it all.

What can we say about our esteemed buyers? They are top professionals at the pinnacle of their success, originating from prestigious cities worldwide, and they are now investing in Cambodia’s captivating and dynamic future. In short, they are probably a lot like you.













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