Odom News

Building A Greener Phnom Penh

In Phnom Penh, a city where rapid urban growth often challenges sustainable development, the ODOM project distinguishes itself as an eco-conscious model by pursuing Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification (LEED®). LEED® is a globally recognized standard emphasizing energy efficiency, water conservation, and sustainable design, making it a perfect match for ODOM’s vision. As ODOM’s Project Manager, Sven Adler, explains, “Having a LEED® certification means we’re committed to reducing our environmental footprint while ensuring occupants save on electricity and water bills.” This certification highlights ODOM’s pursuit towards sustainability and enhances its market appeal by attracting environmentally conscious buyers and high-profile tenants.

Achieving LEED® certification involves meticulous planning and documentation. ODOM partnered with third-party consultants to guide the application process and ensure compliance with LEED® standards. The project team carefully reviews building designs, manages construction waste, and sources sustainable materials. “The process is rigorous,” says Sven, “but it’s crucial to ensuring that we meet our sustainability goals.” The construction phase includes innovative practices such as rainwater harvesting for irrigation and installing electric vehicle charging stations. While there is an increase in upfront costs, these initiatives promise significant long-term savings and emphasize ODOM’s future-proofing plans.

The impact of LEED® certification extends beyond environmental benefits. For residents and businesses, it guarantees a healthier living and working environment with lower utility costs. For investors, it attracts tenants with corporate social responsibility commitments, enhancing the development’s profile. Sven highlights that ODOM’s sustainability efforts are not just about meeting certification requirements but about genuinely improving the quality of life for its occupants. “Even before pursuing LEED®, we were committed to green spaces and energy efficiency,” he says.

Sven believes that ODOM’s pursuit of LEED® certification sends a powerful message to the Cambodian real estate market, setting a new standard for sustainability. By adhering to internationally recognized standards, ODOM demonstrates that high-quality, sustainable development is achievable in Cambodia, inspiring other developers to follow suit. Looking to the future, Sven sees the demand for sustainable developments growing as Cambodia’s market becomes more competitive and environmentally conscious. While LEED® certification may not yet be a “must-have” for every development, it certainly places ODOM at a competitive advantage, appealing to buyers and tenants who value sustainability.

As Phnom Penh evolves, ODOM is set to become a landmark of eco-friendly development, driven by its commitment to sustainability and pursuit of LEED® certification. By embracing state-of-the-art design methodologies and sophisticated construction practices, ODOM aims to minimize its ecological footprint while creating vibrant, livable spaces that people will want to return to. By adhering to sustainable practices and international building standards, ODOM demonstrates that real estate in a developing country like Cambodia can be, and should be, at an internationally competitive standard.


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